Author Archives: Monica Matthews

Black Lives Matter- Justice Or Revenge?

A wise man once told me there’s a fine line between justice and revenge. His very personal emotional attachment to a situation had subtly blinded him to the effective work in which he once took great pride. Crossing the line of justice to revenge ultimately cost him his reputation, relationships, professional legacy, family upheaval and […]

President’s Speech Leads To Repentance

With Love Day approaching, I thought I’d take a moment to combine politics with some love. Yes, it’s possible. The President’s speech during the National Prayer Breakfast left a mark on my psyche, my soul and it honestly, brought me to a place of repentance. Crazy, right? I mean, not many of you, likely the […]

Flirt Baby, Flirt.

A widow of twenty years and counting affords me a lot of time to observe others in their relationship habitat. Ministering to others can leave me hopeless in the area of lasting love. I’ve seen friends’ love come and go. Dating, marriage, birth, divorce or death. When you think about it, our choices really are […]

Want Great Sex? Get Real.

We aren’t sex crazed. We’re sex starved. I can’t discuss women and sex and leave men out of the equation. Today’s podcast on women and sex, while cheeky, could not have been more serious. I know it rattled some women and ironically enough, I saw men hurl themselves in front of the oncoming bus of […]

MLK Day- A New Grief

Today we are asked to commemorate Dr. MLK Jr. I however, have spent the day somewhat somber. My local paper, The AJC released information that some of you may have known regarding Dr. King.  Most of you, like me, did not.  His name was Michael. Until he was 28.  His father, having traveled to Germany […]

My Holiday Prayer For President Trump

This entire presidency reminds me of my salvation. No, really.  Since accepting Jesus as my savior, the constant battle has been about legitimacy. The battle my spiritual enemy reminds me of daily is one of whether or not I was actually adopted into the body of Christ. He uses my past, my present, my behavior, […]

Workplace Violence- The Socio-Political Assault Undermining The Bottom Line – BLOG

It’s an epidemic, workplace violence. A violent assault on the morale of the American worker. Many of my Dear Monica letters begin with, “Please help me, I’m about to lose my mind at work“. Your anguish is not lost on me. The workplace could be and should be the Switzerland of our daily lives. A […]

Noise Travels Up

Sitting high atop what is arguably the most beautiful island on earth, I realize that the phrase ‘rise above the fray’ has some issues worth addressing. The phrase itself implies that above the noise of life, one is somehow magically impervious to the clutter of noise. But that’s just not honest. My expectation of escaping […]

Stadium Documentary Reveals Theft At High Levels – What You Need To Know – MB Stadium, The New Slavery?

It’s Super Bowl week in Atlanta, but not all residents are celebrating the rich getting richer on the backs of the already poor. While tens of thousands will flood the gates of the equivalent of the Roman Coliseum, I’m reminded of how the decadent structures of entertainment have haunted many before us. It didn’t end […]

In For Hannity Today! 3-5pm – WSB

Honored to fill this slot. Much to discuss while our sovereignty hangs in the balance this week regarding immigration reform along with the recent ruling on Obamacare that could affect many of you, including my own daughter with a pre-existing condition. Sure to be a fun-filled, passionate show! Look forward to hearing from YOU! Taking […]

In For Hannity Monday – WSB Radio 3-5pm EST

Honored to fill this slot. Much to discuss while our sovereignty hangs in the balance this week regarding immigration reform along with the recent ruling on Obamacare that could affect many of you, including my own daughter with a pre-existing condition. Sure to be a fun-filled, passionate show! Look forward to hearing from YOU! Taking […]