Author Archives: Monica Matthews

The Titanic-The Best Is Yet To Come

Can you hear it? Can you hear the metal twisting and grinding? Can you hear the screams of the nation as she prepares to take her last breath? Can you see the terror in the faces of your countrymen and women? Can you smell the stench of the mouth of hell opened wide to devour […]

Substance Over Filler- The Battle For America Continues

As someone who some would consider an influencer by way of media outlets and online platforms, I feel an insatiable need to serve a real meal. A southern biscuit, beef stew, peas and cornbread kind of meal. The Tapas (small bites) of online communication is wearing me thin. Like most of you. We were all […]

Ga Fraud Allegations Span Governor To SOS- This Election Is FAR From Over

I woke up this morning to my former colleague, resident attorney who’s never tried and case, theological scholar who skipped the Gospel, sanctimonious, self aggrandizing, never-Trumper telling me what an apostate I am (and you) for believing reputable legal professionals tasked with investigating allegations of fraud centered around our 2020 general elections.  I ( and […]

What Doesn’t Stop Rising Murder Rates

By Monica Matthews Around the nation, murder and violent crime rates are skyrocketing.  Property damage is into the billions. Despite this fact, the final presidential debate did not include any serious inquiry into how either candidate would end the devastation. As innocent children die, the media-government complex remains in either deliberately ignorant or devoted to […]

Are You Disconnected From The Source?

My garden became my solace during the height of COVID19. That and my family. I’ve worked hard to plant, prune, weed, water, fertilize and train the many strands of vine variety that will ultimately provide shade in the way of a lush canopy to rest on my pergola. These freaking vines have taught me more […]

Are You Really An American?

What does it mean to ACT like an American? My new line of patriotic gear is an EXCELLENT conversation starter in the effort to save our nation from division & disinformation! Contact us today for group sales, campaigns, PACS, Political Party Orgs.. discounts available! They make for an excellent fundraising opportunity and provide ample space […]

Choices- RNC Begins

Today marks the beginning of the Republican National Convention. Some 350 delegates meeting in Charlotte, NC to choose their Presidential Nominee, Donald J Trump. Roll call was nothing short of inspirational, informative and at times, comical. One word came to mind: resolved. An emotional resolve precipitated by months of thoughtful dialogue, culminated in standing in […]

O’er The Ramparts We Watched Were So Gallantly Streaming…

Our beloved National Anthem. For me, anyway. I can’t count the number of times I’ve performed this song for countless Americans and foreigners alike. From ten people to twenty thousand. I sing it with pride. With excellence in mind and a vivid picture in my head of the oceans of blood spilled by citizens of […]

Unsettled- The New Normal

AS A WOMAN, it’s natural for me to not only be in tune with my feelings, but every living thing around me. With the recent onslaught of every assault on my psyche, my love of country and its inhabitants, my hopes and dreams of a future endowed with certain unalienable rights and ultimately, my joy, […]

Till Tomorrow..

Due to technical difficulties, The Monica Matthews Show will be back tomorrow! In the meantime, be good to your neighbor beginning in your own mirror and remember, if you’re an American, act like one!

RACIST Until Proven Not Guilty- Standing Against New Norms

“Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins – or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so […]