Tag Archives: depression

Love. Who IS It?

With Love Day upon us, I wasn’t sure what to write about; a clear need for more love in this world or the latest political jihad perpetuated by the ever-maligning left. Eh, I think I’ll go with love. What is love? Well, Love is God. I’m not building a case for love, I’m simply reminding […]

Being Needy

I’ve been accused of being a GI Jane. I’ve come through a lot. I’ve learned to tread water, watch a spouse die a grueling death, fight to save my kid’s life more than once, been hated, rejected, abandoned, outnumbered, lied about, accused, broke, busted, disgusted, left for dead by a world system and enemy who […]

I Would Walk The Earth To Be With You

How many love songs have the sentiment ‘I would do anything, travel anywhere etc… to be with you’? Well, Jesus did. He traveled across eternity to share a glimpse of time with us to carry us into his eternal heart. No one will ever love you like that. Not even your kids. When I allow […]

God & Blessing. Mutually Exclusive?

In my recent prayer time, I found myself confessing to my FATHER God, that I had in fact, been seeking blessing rather than Him. Selah. It then occurred to me that I may do this not because I’m some greedy, materialistically driven woman, but that I see him in my blessings. My blessings help my […]

Thirsty But Not Forgotten

“Honestly, many times I found myself starving and thirsting in loneliness, making comparisons and feeling frustration as a single woman. In those moments I decided that Jesus wasn’t enough, and I indulged in buffets that left me even more weary, famished, and dehydrated.”  —Monica Matthews, When Jesus Isn’t Enough Dehydration. Most of the world has […]