Author Archives: Monica Matthews

Labor Day Special- WSB Extended

Check back tomorrow for the broadcast from today on WSB. Because it will air 2 additional times as a Labor Day show, I’m saving the extended version for tomorrow!  It will be LIVE on this site by 6pm:) It’s a good one! You won’t want to miss it:) Hope you guys are safe and sound […]

Liberty Trumps Anger

” Slow to anger. Not easily offended. Pray for my enemies. Trust in the Lord. In the world, not of it. “ These are the liberty breathed truths I hold on to for dear life these days. Honestly. When the Word tells us to “Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee” that includes […]

Our Rock, Our Foundation

What would I do without Jesus?  This was an honest question on the heels of some quiet time that literally saved my mind. Times are rough. They are filled with despair, vitriol and hyperbole. No one knows what or whom to believe. As a Christian in the world of media and politics, I find myself […]

Tune In Tonight- Candid Interview -Salem Radio

I ALWAYS enjoy a great interview!  Tonight from 8-9pm my interview will air on Salem Radio via From The Median. It’s my absolute pleasure to share my latest work When Jesus Isn’t Enough- The Ultimate Meal For The Starving Single Woman with Host and President Of Cleveland Right To Life, Molly Smith.  We take an in […]

Why I Buy My Daughter A Gift Every Mother’s Day- Candid

Another National Holiday. Another reason for a candid conversation about one of my most treasured offices. I say one of my offices to the collective gasp of some. I consider all my offices in life an honor and privilege and one I continually find how inept I am to execute without a mad amount of partnership […]

The Forgotten Fundamentals Of Womanhood

People seek my personal perception and messaging regarding women’s issues, regularly. I am indeed a woman and I speak to cultural issues pertaining to women through two filters: Secular and Faith. Let me explain. While I am in fact a woman of faith, I am first a woman. A flesh and blood woman with a […]

Flying The Unfriendly Skies – Unplugged

In lieu of my podcast this eve…. I’m ending my very long day flying to the left coast with THIS… I wasn’t asked to leave my flight or subdued resulting in my screams through the isles of my flight, but it was an experience worth noting nevertheless. The flight from the ATL to La La […]