Tag Archives: Evil

Border Walls

Well, that got your attention. Whether you are for them or see them as a hinderance to the expression of modern day love, albeit a perverted one, you can’t go a day without a mention (or rally aka riot) of them. I liken borders to our hearts. The United States is currently like the man […]

Happy President Like-It-or-Not Day

Happy President’s Day! Could you have imagined a nation filled with vile signage and vitriol seeping from the swamps of hell marching through our streets in protest to a fair and square Presidential LOSS? Yeh, me neither.  My topic was supposed to be on transparency, so let’s see if I can somehow marry seeing defiling mantras […]

The Land of Inaugural Oz.

First night in Inauguration Land. I’m in my element. The normal folk. This evening, I’ll be in a ballgown, with the not-so-normal folk. That’s me. That’s what I do. And I’m grateful. Cruising the city streets on the night before the fringe, the hopeful and the resolutes descend upon our nation’s capitol leaves one with […]

Beyond “The Dream” How far have we really come?

Today marks the birthday of one of God’s greatest vessels for liberty in our nation. Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born for and with, an undeniable purpose: Liberty. A man after my own heart. I am a spiritual libertarian. Not a socio-political one. As a Christian, I believe we have free will and […]

Strategy: Reacting To Win

Today, I had the honor of auditing a class with my daughter aimed at re-certifying men and women in the protective services industry. One of the many things I’ve exposed her to for empowerment. Not as in we are girls, let’s burn our bras to prove how bad a** we are, but more like, we […]

Shaming The Naked Church

  ACCORDING TO JESUS, Love Covers.  What? A multitude of sins. One of my all time favorite verses (because I need it) and one I am reminded of when I go to expose someone else’s sin as if if the concept of falling short of the glory of a perfect God is foreign to me. Ha. […]

God & Blessing. Mutually Exclusive?

In my recent prayer time, I found myself confessing to my FATHER God, that I had in fact, been seeking blessing rather than Him. Selah. It then occurred to me that I may do this not because I’m some greedy, materialistically driven woman, but that I see him in my blessings. My blessings help my […]

Your Safety In Your Own Hands

As Mr. Bart Mitchum of Action Detective Agency shared with us on this week’s show, your safety can never be taken for granted. In light of what seems to be a more regular occurrence with evil always looking for a way to manifest in the earth, you have to your safety seriously and into your […]

Of Mosques & Men

Since when did liberty loving, law abiding, American citizens become the new “hysterical subset”? Yes, the term of endearment used in a local Atlanta paper, to describe the latest victims of infiltration, guilt, and condemnation for asking the obvious, what are you doing here? What continues to get my liberty loving undies in a wad, […]

Blog. The Future Of Uncertainty Is Bright. #brexit

  The European Union that’s where it all begins for me this week. I celebrated along side the #brexit folks. Literally, jumped from bed amid twitter banter about the #brexit pros and cons. The one main pro that stood out to me was freedom. Over half of a voting population came together in honor of their sovereignty. Privileged […]