Author Archives: Monica Matthews

Even The Deepest Ocean Seeks Consolation

It was so deep, I nearly vomitted. The pain. Grief. Stacked in the layers of my gut. The depths to which only The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have searched me and know. It’s not often I ask for prayer from my audience. I usually peruse my Twitter feed in search of someone to pray […]

I’m On Special Assignment

WHEN THE LORD CALLS, you have two choices- Yes or No. “Not now” isn’t an option, as some have discovered. Many have asked where I’ve been for the past few months. Well, I’ve been on what I would call, special assignment. When the Lord calls you to a task, purpose, new direction to facilitate Kingdom needs […]

The Unifying Forces Of Evil

SCOTUS CONFIRMATION GALVANIZES AMERICAN UNITY At times, as a sane, order loving, law abiding citizen who understands biology and the wonder of the innocence of children, it’s easy to look around and feel completely alone. The current moral state of a once proud Judeo-Christian civilization, now leaves even the most sexually liberated child of the […]

Sabbatical- Rest- Enter In

As many of you know, I’m answering the call to rest for the month of August. Elul according the Hebrew calendar. A month of reconciling accounts, taking personal inventory. A month of reconnecting to our source. According to various Judaic sources, it is also a time of divine closeness. In times past, it was also […]

Elections- A Matter Of Human Rights?

If government is a godly construct, wouldn’t it stand to reason that by that same standard, godly governance begins at the election grid?  Many nations around the globe can attest to the human suffering that occurs at the hands of ungodly rulers led by greed and lust. Human voices silenced by oppressors unimaginable to most […]

President Trump Makes Call To Newly Elected GA GOP Candidate

Anyone who thinks President Trump walked off the field on January 20, clearly does not know the character of who most would agree, is the single most effective President in our nation’s history.  On the contrary, President Trump and those still serving at the pleasure of 45, have taken to the swing states to finish […]

Of Peaches & Thieves

Jesus said you can tell a tree by its fruit. I live in GA, better known as the Peach State. And guess what? Our fruit stinks. No, in a nutshell, I do not believe we will ever see remedy here. There are too many hands in the pot, too many power bases at risk. We […]