Tag Archives: marriage

Love or Companionship?

A young lady in her twenties recently asked me if I thought love or companionship was the key to relationship longevity. Implying they might be mutually exclusive. What a great question. As a forty-six year old woman who has been widowed for eighteen years, I can look back now and see that after three brief […]

The Forgotten Fundamentals Of Womanhood

People seek my personal perception and messaging regarding women’s issues, regularly. I am indeed a woman and I speak to cultural issues pertaining to women through two filters: Secular and Faith. Let me explain. While I am in fact a woman of faith, I am first a woman. A flesh and blood woman with a […]

What Will YOU Leave Behind?

Men and women of legacy never die The Scriptures tell us not to put up treasures for ourselves here on earth because moths (and liberals;) and life, will eat away at what you build. But rather store up treasures in heaven!  Our greatest treasures are those we love and I dare say, even those we […]

Thirsty But Not Forgotten

“Honestly, many times I found myself starving and thirsting in loneliness, making comparisons and feeling frustration as a single woman. In those moments I decided that Jesus wasn’t enough, and I indulged in buffets that left me even more weary, famished, and dehydrated.”  —Monica Matthews, When Jesus Isn’t Enough Dehydration. Most of the world has […]