Vaccine Police Coming To Your Homes- Time For Americans To RISE- Re-instatement- True/False? Revenge v Justice

Vengeance is mine says the Lord. What is the fine line between revenge and justice? One more assault on the American psyche complete with vaccine police house visits could push some to their breaking point. Let’s talk about what that looks like.

Jenna Ellis, former Trump Counsel, has declared the Constitution does NOT pave the way for a re-instatement type event of a duly elected President who fell prey to a corrupt government coup. Let’s cover what Thomas Jefferson has to say about that.

1 Comment

  • THANK YOU !!! You are exactly right, they are Desperate!! Every HIPPA law broken in the fake name of “safety for all”- they are not going house to house because some poor people do not have access to the vaccine. EVERYONE who wants a vaccine has had plenty of access. The numbers are down because people see the danger and are not as dumb as they had hoped.
    Thank you for encouraging Americans to stand for what is right and Constitutional! I praise God for your boldness! Thank you again for saying Yes to your calling!

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