America’s Death March- How Do We Recover In Seeming Abandonment?

America. She’s in a seeming death spiral. Doubt, suspicion, confusion, malaise, despondency, envy, bitterness, rage.. it’s all there. We’ve not been more vulnerable in my lifetime. Many of you want marching orders. Well, I prayed about it, and I have a few. Attorney Lin Wood inspires many of us, I’ll share one bit of wisdom he shares with me that may make this season not only bearable, but keep it in perspective.


  • Deb says:

    Thank you for saying what needs to be said because so many have become weak and can’t see the whole picture.

  • Melissa Peveto says:

    You are simply the best! If I lived in GA., I just know we would be friends…probably BFF’s! I think I’m maybe 2 years older than you if my math is correct. I am first a Christian who is deeply committed to God. I am also a mom, wife from TX! I have drawn such strength from you. The dats after the election were very dark. Then the inauguration was a sucker punch too. I have had to draw so deep into my faith to bare the corruption, traitors, and fraudulent election. But at least I’m awake. You and Linn, Sydney, Gen. Flynn, and Mike helped wake me up! Thank you Monica! I’m indebted to you for the warrior you are ..speaking truth & faith!

  • kari o'connor says:

    Amen sista! Good word!

  • Marianna Bauerlein says:

    Your inspired words greatly helped me today, Monica.
    Thank you for your truthful testimony and sharing your trials.
    And Grace granted.
    tything has been a point of rebellion for me, and thank you so much for your words of encouragement. The last time I tested the Lord and this I was greatly blessed. Did I continue to tythe?
    yes through helping others, no as far as the church.
    Rebellion has been a theme of my life that I regret. God in his ever loving forgiveness continues to work Jesus Christ through my soul and spirit. You have blessed me Monica through Christ thank you again

  • Thank you for sharing truth.I have a daughter named Monica. Maybe you are close in age.Really encouraged by your testimony.

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