Author Archives: Monica Matthews


In a time when women are marching in the streets in search of equality with man, I’d like to offer a solution for the emasculation of our men, who are FIRST, God’s men. JOIN me as I uncover the enemy who so desperately seeks to devour order, your voice and vision. He seeks to leave […]

The Land of Inaugural Oz.

First night in Inauguration Land. I’m in my element. The normal folk. This evening, I’ll be in a ballgown, with the not-so-normal folk. That’s me. That’s what I do. And I’m grateful. Cruising the city streets on the night before the fringe, the hopeful and the resolutes descend upon our nation’s capitol leaves one with […]

Beyond “The Dream” How far have we really come?

Today marks the birthday of one of God’s greatest vessels for liberty in our nation. Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born for and with, an undeniable purpose: Liberty. A man after my own heart. I am a spiritual libertarian. Not a socio-political one. As a Christian, I believe we have free will and […]

Being Needy

I’ve been accused of being a GI Jane. I’ve come through a lot. I’ve learned to tread water, watch a spouse die a grueling death, fight to save my kid’s life more than once, been hated, rejected, abandoned, outnumbered, lied about, accused, broke, busted, disgusted, left for dead by a world system and enemy who […]

Voices Of Allah

When ‘the voices’ were dispatched, I wonder if anyone told him they were his spiritual enemy. A war time soldier, he clearly understood combat, but did he? Do most of us? Before you count me out as one of ‘the devil made me do-it’ myopics, let me remind you that as a minister of liberty, a […]

Get Out the Shears, It’s a New Year!

It’s that time of year, my weeding and pruning season. It’s something I do every year. I weed the garden of my relationship life and I prune the things that are obvious to me; those things, mindsets and strongholds that weigh me down. The rest, I leave up to God to perfect that which concerns […]

Strategy: Reacting To Win

Today, I had the honor of auditing a class with my daughter aimed at re-certifying men and women in the protective services industry. One of the many things I’ve exposed her to for empowerment. Not as in we are girls, let’s burn our bras to prove how bad a** we are, but more like, we […]

I Would Walk The Earth To Be With You

How many love songs have the sentiment ‘I would do anything, travel anywhere etc… to be with you’? Well, Jesus did. He traveled across eternity to share a glimpse of time with us to carry us into his eternal heart. No one will ever love you like that. Not even your kids. When I allow […]

Shaming The Naked Church

  ACCORDING TO JESUS, Love Covers.  What? A multitude of sins. One of my all time favorite verses (because I need it) and one I am reminded of when I go to expose someone else’s sin as if if the concept of falling short of the glory of a perfect God is foreign to me. Ha. […]