If you want to stay informed and take your community and life by the horns.. click here to attempt to keep with the 1500 bills introduced of which many are not read. lol. seriously. It’s nuts. Do it! I dare you! Get involved and start sounding the alarm to restore sanity to our legislature!
No complaining allowed if you aren’t voting, investing and engaging the political process. Some of you need to run for office instead of trolling FB with rants. Seriously.. Love you guys, but uh… if you’re holy and you know it, clap your hands.. God says.. OCCUPY.

The time for hashtags is OVER! Time to get BUSY and America needs YOU!
Presidential Transition Team 2016
This is the time America! Our President Elect is in need of your talents and gifts to Make America Great Again! You can apply here or simply keep up with the greatest transition of power in the nation!
Wanna know who voted for WHAT? Easy Peasy! Click Here. (Unless the votes were unrecorded. This year’s legislation for more transparency was shot down dead.)

Before YOU re-elect people to govern your every move, educate yourself on where they stand on issues that matter to YOU! Remember, you may not care about politics but politics cares about you.