FROM MY HEART to yours, thank you!
Thank you for your commitment to my work as a content creator, minister and fellow American. It’s been one heck of a year- we should be preparing for interesting times ahead. I don’t believe in terror mongering. I believe in sober mindedness and unity of cause.
As the commemoration of The Christ’s birth approaches, please remember HIS cause. His cause was and is YOU. His cause is people. He came to save us from eternal separation. To give all of himself. He, being light, entered darkness to usher us out to life more abundant.
I pray you will find the way to peace and unity with your family and friends this holiday season. Gatherings can be very difficult for some of you. But if you profess Christ and his Spirit dwells within you, you carry The Light and Truth wherever you go. While the temptation may be to try your evangelical skills out at the family dinner table, I want to help set you free from a spirit of religion that will demand you convert all participants according to the timing of man.
No. Just say no. Submit to the Word who compels us to discern the spirits by The Spirit, hold your peace and simply stand. Stand in love and watch chains fall. Stand with a gentle spirit of knowing it’s our Father who adds to the Church, daily.
Put on the entire armor of Elohim and resist the enemy of peace, love and unity. It will not take anything away from your faith, to remain obedient to following the voice of the Spirit’s gentle direction. He will not lead you to drinking your way into a shouting match to proclaim a false victory over those who could be operating in a spirit of mockery, envy, jealousy, unforgiveness, fear, and anger. Any one of those or a combination thereof, can tempt you to derail the work The Father is doing through you.
This is vital to remember during this holiday season as we march toward more trying times, both economically and culturally. These are unprecedented times for our nation and while the Church is on the threshing floor in preparation for the times ahead, decide. Make the decision to keep eternal perspective. Make yourself available to those who are hungry, thirsty and unclothed- spiritually.
Bless you and your family with peace, love & productivity. May righteousness, peace and joy consume your minds and homes.
With Much Love and Honor,
My FREE gift to YOU! So YUMMY!!!