Being Needy

I’ve been accused of being a GI Jane. I’ve come through a lot. I’ve learned to tread water, watch a spouse die a grueling death, fight to save my kid’s life more than once, been hated, rejected, abandoned, outnumbered, lied about, accused, broke, busted, disgusted, left for dead by a world system and enemy who is hell-bent on my destruction. And I’m still here.

And so are you.

My story is just that, mine. And yours is, well, yours.

Ministry has taught me we all bleed and we all have demons to contend with. Some just look prettier and smell better than others, and some even have more money. Nevertheless.

What I’ve realized in all the ghusto of trying to keep my faith while living a life that would make Harrison Ford look like Mary Poppins, is I need help.

I used to abhor hearing men talk about needy women. Man Code for: I feel completely inadequate at being what I think she wants me to be because I don’t go to the Lord either, so I’ll just make her look like the crazy one. Truth.

In slight defense of our brothers in creation, some of us ladies really can be so wounded. We could suck the fountain of life dry and still not feel satisfied, but most of us are doing the best we can just to tread. Hard.

If people only knew how heavy those heels are under water, in stockings. Good Lord.


Through recent circumstances, I’ve come to realize I’m really not GI Jane. I really haven’t been alone and the sooner I begin to live that reality, the sooner I can rest.

And you can too.

We were created by a GOD who never tires of our petitions. He commands that we cast our cares upon Him for one reason: He wants to care for us. Exhale.

I’m going to task you with one more thing to add to your list of life, ready?

Cast it.

Get it all in your pretty head and literally get before the throne of mercy and grace and name every single last one of your cares and heave it! Chunk it! Be intentional about it and then prepare to ask for the help and take it.

By faith, name everything draining your righteousness, peace and joy and ask the Lord to do what He PROMISED He would and be needy. Just do it. You may save some money on botox. It will literally lift your face, your spirit and countenance.

Practical Christianity. Nothing watered down. But I’m tired of talking about my faith.

It’s time to start living it, in need. We can do nothing apart from Him. Nothing. We can’t even believe without him. And we will never trust what we won’t challenge. Jesus is not offended by our challenge. He’s grieved when we don’t trust His character and we take on husbands, kids, jobs, the world and goals, without Him. It’s too heavy ladies. It’s too heavy men.

Lay the fig leaves and your sowing kit down and put on your garment of praise in exchange for heaviness. You will actually sleep at night and wake inspired by the new day. Coffee will become a simple pleasure as opposed to the crack it represents to kick start your exhausted self.

Repeat after me… I AM NEEDY. I AM NEEDY. I AM NEEDY. Pride can take a hike. This is relationship time. This healing time. This is abundant life time. This is family.

I’m partnering with you today. I’m praying that every person whose eyes fall upon this blog will DO the Word here and share their testimony with others, of his faithfulness. He WILL be found faithful and that’s a promise.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Your sis in Christ and fellow needy one,



  • Susan Kennedy says:

    I only just discovered you yesterday and already The Father has used you multiple times to encourage and love on me. Thank you sweet lady for allowing the Lord to use you in such a mighty way!

    • Monica Matthews says:

      I’m so grateful to hear about his faithfulness in your life through the ministry he’s blessed me with. That makes my heart so happy. Thank you for joining me in my journey. Look forward to hearing more praise reports from you!

  • Dawn Melton says:

    Thank you again, Monica, for speaking to my soul at a time when I need it most! I am forever grateful for you!
    ❤ Dawn

  • Michelle says:

    Monica, I will do it today! Thank you for this message. I am NEEDY!

    • Monica Matthews says:

      Wonderful! In such an info age, I have to remind myself to DO the Word And not hear only. Good to see you are wanting to be intentional. He helps us with that too! xo Monicq

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